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Lori is a Bible believer and openly shares her insights so that others may know the fullness of Life in Jesus as He said in John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ladies and Gentleman

Several months ago a phone call came to me that was quickly diverted into a confrontation challenging me as a woman with his belief that women should not be leading or “teaching” any Biblical information to men.  The challenge for me was that his comment did not resonate as truth with my spirit, but it did resonate with some past teaching or behaviors in some church-life where I too, had heard it, but had to let it drop by the way-side when I knew what God called me to do.  I was in more fear of not obeying God than man and went to the places He called me.

That phone call led me into a thorough amount of research and study that I did in the Bible as if I was holding onto the LORD’s hand in Spirit as I was led from Old Testament through New  Testament as well as looking into historic events when it seemed to be contradicted in a couple of verses. The research was nourishing to what was already set on my heart. Peace and strength were given in His Word and the evidence of God’s persistent use of women in ministry was woven throughout.

If you have some struggles with whether or not women should be in leadership roles or, if you as a woman, have felt led by His Spirit and you held back or if you felt like you, as a man, should invite a woman into that kind of position, but again, held back, this may help you.  Today I received this link that has several lessons on the matter that go completely through the scriptures that His Spirit led me through when I researched the work.  He’s teaching it in the same way the LORD revealed to me as I read it. Pastor Jerry Dirmann from The Rock, a Foursquare church in Anaheim, Calif. did a series that you can find in this link listed on Life and Liberty, “Women in Ministry Series.”   

This teacher goes further than I saw in that he sees that the barring of women to serve as God has gifted and called in leadership has been one of the worst tactics Satan wove in misinterpretation and written into the doctrines of man.

Session 2 addresses the most often cited verses in 1 Corinthians 14:34 and 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 11. 

In addition to what I found in 1 Timothy, Paul was writing to Timothy who was in Ephesus. The people in Ephesus had a religion where the priests were women and the source of their religion is that they worshipped a goddess and part of the worship was over her virginity. This is where the weight of instruction from Paul to have Timothy teach to them there that a woman's salvation is in child-bearing when Christ was born of a woman from where Salvation came.
Feel free to share this with anyone you may know that may be blessed or encouraged or is looking for direction. The sessions are lengthy, but packed with great information.  It took me a long time to go through this scripturally on my own, so this is a blessing to have it all in one spot for you.

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