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Lori is a Bible believer and openly shares her insights so that others may know the fullness of Life in Jesus as He said in John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Depth of Field


A woman died who was close to my age. Cancer. She left a husband, some children at home and a grandchild. She loved the LORD and sought healing over and over again. She could recite scripture like no one I had known.  When I prayed for her, words would spark up a Bible verse that would affirm it and she would softly say the verse aloud. Verse after verse came to her mind. She, when healthy, served in countless ways and did so much good for this world. Then, she brought serving in her death. She said to me, “I have shown my children how to live, now I am showing them how to die.” As her body weakened, her spirit strengthened.

When her body did die, it was heartbreaking. None of it seemed right. What could possibly be good about this, LORD? I wept through tears as I asked Him,” WHY?!”  In my grief I suddenly saw a stage prop of a cloud.  It was cut-out, man-made, crude and only two dimensional.  It was an imitation of a cloud for an act or portrayal of life on a stage. 

As soon as I saw that cloud the vision cut to a different one. Out at the end of the horizon were real clouds. There was a massive forming cloud, beautiful, multi-dimensional and blossoming as if it were in the process of creating something new. It billowed in light and motion, overwhelming me by what was incredibly beautiful and real to the contrast of the cut-out, flat, cloud, sitting on a dusty stage floor.

The vision gave a depth of insight that I could have never attained on my own. God revealed how temporal this life is here on earth, like a play. It is a moment that has representations of what is real, true, deep and immense, but displayed with and in earthly representation things that physically have little dimension by comparison to the depth of His Spiritual life. 

Who she is now and where she is; is much more real, amazing and alive than ever before. Her life there is an incredible birth of life, spirit, purpose and belonging in comparison to what is so limiting, temporal and decaying here.

How she lived here had an audience.  We cheered for her and we felt the sorrow when the curtain closed, but she walked off into what is real life.

The depth of field of the scope of what is in our horizons and having that in focus has brought a far deeper view into God’s Word and an incredible joy to what is at the end of this field of life in Christ here. Its depth has brought powerful prayer and faith into Who He is and what He does. Those kinds of prayers from what is of His Kingdom into these temporary, two-dimensional things of this life bring His power and depth and life that He can unleash into us for all of eternity.

 He can provide clarity of vision in the midst of a prayer of brokenness and bring hope and joy in the images He can place into our mind’s eye.  Just like that! The spiritual power of Him to pop that into an earthly mind is a moments’ doing for Him and a complete change of vision and focus for me.

It is a vision to look to the things not seen and to see the things that are seen among us as temporary. It is recognizing glory in the fields of this life and the full dimensions of spirit in eternal life.

We are spiritual beings and for now, we have a body.  Looking to fullness of life is looking to its eternity and what it took in Jesus/Yeshua to bring us into such a pure and perfect place of eternal life.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18  For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, 18while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

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