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Lori is a Bible believer and openly shares her insights so that others may know the fullness of Life in Jesus as He said in John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Last and Greatest Day of the Feast

Today is a GREAT day to me... to all of us.
 It is the last day of the celebration of Sukkot.  The last and greatest day of the Feast.
 Sukkot is the Jewish celebration of living in “booths” or tents/temporary dwelling places, for seven days.  It is a festival to remember that God had dwelled with the Hebrew people after delivering them out of Egypt.  So as God temporarily dwelled among them, they dwell in temporary dwellings as God did when they celebrate each year.  God asked that they do this in Leviticus 23:39-43.
But on the fifteenth day of the seventh month [the month of Tishrei], when you gather in the produce of the land, you shall celebrate the festival of the L-rd for a seven day period... and you shall rejoice before the L-rd your G-d for a seven day period... For a seven day period you shall live in booths. Every resident among the Israelites shall live in booths, in order that your [ensuing] generations should know that I had the children of Israel live in booths when I took them out of the land of Egypt”
That was a long time ago. What is so special about that, you may wonder.
God gave Moses exact instructions as to how to build the Ark of the Covenant where God’s glory and presence would dwell. 
He gave the instructions that the ark would be made out of Acacia wood and overlaid with gold.  Inside would be the components of the Testimony.  The lid would be solid gold and would be called the Mercy Seat or Seat of Atonement.  On either side, facing one another, were solid gold cherubim looking upon the Mercy Seat and between the two cherubim and above the Mercy Seat rested the presence and glory of God. 
Here’s where my incredible joy takes hold.
Everything about this speak s of God’s Presence as Jesus Christ!
The Acacia wood is from a tree whose roots has the incredible ability to reach deep into the waters far into the soil even in arid regions. It is also being used in portions of Africa to improve soil and production to agriculture through its nitrogen.  It offers shade and protection for the crops, too.  This tree can be representative of qualities of Christ’s life on earth as 100 % man on earth and God as the Acacia wood of the ark was overlaid with gold.
This is what Jesus does on the last day of Sukkot; the day the priests did the water ceremony.  This is a portion shared from Hebrew for Christians.
“The seventh (and last) day of the festival of Sukkot is called Hoshana Rabba (הוֹשַׁנָא רַבָּא). Hoshana (sometimes transliterated as "Hosanna") comes from the Hebrew phrase hoshia na (הוֹשִׁיעָה נָּא), meaning "save us now," combined with "rabbah," meaning "great," to refer to a great corporate plea for salvation. It was on this climactic day of the festival that the people gathered at the Temple for the water ceremony, waving lulavs and circling the courtyard while chanting "Ana Adonai - Hosiah na" (Psalm 118:25), "save us, we pray O LORD!"’
Jesus had stayed away from the festival of Sukkot until the last day of it. John 7:37-39  Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" 39 But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified
On top of the box of the Ark is the solid gold Mercy Seat where the priest would once a year take the blood of the sacrifice for the atoning of the sins of the people. At this time, God in His Mercy forgave.  Jesus came as the sacrifice and His blood was given for our sins.  The purity of Him as God was the blood perfect enough for the sins of the World that He gave out of love and mercy.  Solid gold. Perfection.  Only from what is of Heaven.
The two cherubim, also made of solid gold, face towards one another and their gaze is upon the Mercy Seat.  Eyes cast down as if looking from heaven and there between them rests the Presence and Glory of God. Both Old and New Testament proclaiming Christ and reflect His Presence, Glory, Salvation, Mercy and Grace.
The people cried out, “Save us!”  Yeshua, the Name of Jesus, is ‘Yahweh has become Salvation.’ Yahweh Saves!  Yeshua!
Within the Ark of the Covenant was kept what was called the “Ark of the Testimony.”  Testimony is the witness of something or the telling of events.  These incredible objects stored within the Ark and beneath the lid of the Mercy Seat at the Presence of God were the tablets of stone that had the Commandments engraved on them.  There was the gold jar of manna and there was the rod of Aaron’s. 
The Ten Commandments was the Law that God had given.  Only Jesus/Yeshua fulfilled all of the Law without sin.  A testimony of Him.
 Jesus says in Matthew 5:17  Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
A gold jar held the manna.  Manna was a word meaning, unknown.  It was an unknown food provided from God and heaven.  It came with the dew, the waters of His Spirit, and when it dried, the Manna was left; their bread of life.
Exodus 16:31-32  31 The house of Israel named it manna, and it was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers with honeyThen Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Let an omerful of it be kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread that I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"
Jesus says in John 6:31-33  Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, 'HE GAVE THEM BREAD OUT OF HEAVEN TO EAT.'" 32 Jesus then said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven. 33 "For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world."…
Jesus, conceived through the Holy Spirit, like the dew accompanying the manna, was born in Bethlehem, which in Hebrew means, “House of Bread.”
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
The next item in the Testimony is Aaron’s rod.  It signified that he would be the high priest.  It was his rod that budded.  Aaron’s rod and the others’ were placed together and God said that the one whose rod budded would be priest.  Not only did Aaron’s rod bud blossoms from that dead stick, but the blossoms flowered and turned into almonds. 
The symbolism is great.  As Yeshua died, shedding his blood on a dead piece of wood, His dead body came back to life.  After having risen from the dead, He breathed upon the disciples saying, “Receive my Spirit.”  The Holy Spirit came upon man, now saved, and made righteous so that the Spirit of God may dwell upon man and in him.  The Spirit bears fruit as blossoms bore the fruit of almonds.  Galatians 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
The rod of Aaron, the appointed high priest at the time of Moses, points to Jesus who becomes the great high priest. Producing all that Jesus does as Yahweh Saves. Yeshua.
Hebrews 4:14  Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
His presence at the Ark of the Covenant was the emblem of the Covenant Promise He made to Abraham as He in His glory rested upon the Mercy Seat; the lid over the Testimony of all He would do in Covenant Promise, as He dwelled and traveled in temporary dwelling places among His people.  Today, through Yeshua, we are the dwelling place of the LORD and today we rejoice for salvation and His Living Waters that He pours into us.
The joy of this day was amplified to me because I did not realize what day it was when I began it.  Over the last week, not considering the days between the first day of Sukkot, the LORD had placed upon my heart and mind the contents of His Testimony and the make-up of the Ark of the Covenant.  I have read, studied, researched and waited on Him as He revealed Himself more and more this week, completely without conscious thought to the timing.  When I realized today was the last and Great day of Sukkot, I was overwhelmed with joy for all He is and did in me through His Spirit this week.  I knew I would write it out this evening. 
 I sat in my car this afternoon in a parking lot. I looked out at this beautiful day; praising Him and listening to music. I saw a great blast of water shoot out of a five-story building.  It was firefighters training.  The water gushed and sprayed and fell to the ground. The music played and I praised Him for an overwhelming moment to see waters burst forth.  May His Spirit and His Word and His revelation of Him cause you to rejoice on this Great Day.  His loving mercy and His testimony is overwhelming.  Yahweh Saves.

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