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Lori is a Bible believer and openly shares her insights so that others may know the fullness of Life in Jesus as He said in John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

On Guard Part 2 ~ Gifts

Bravery is a gift. Some come by it naturally. As children, you see them climb things, jump from things and are willing to try things.  When they hear how they could get hurt and are made to stop, it can be done with loving intention, but it can also be over-done. It can be instilling fear and taking away confidence from the one born brave. The brave go where most won’t and as adults they often save lives, change lives and build lives: fearlessly.
Sensitivity is another gift. A sensitive child may cry over others’ pains and are easily upset. “Don’t be such a cry-baby,” or “You’re being too sensitive,” are frequently said with intentions to toughen the sensitive one up so that they suffer fewer tears. But, the sensitive ones are to grow up to be the compassionate ones. They are the ones that give mercy, comfort and grace. They often have the vision to see more and go deeper. They are the ones that offer hope to others, encourage and call out injustice because they sense the depth of it enough to do something about it.
The “Thief’s” trademark is to try to steal the very gifting that God created in you. Not only can the stealing and destroying attempts happen during childhood, but it can also happen in adulthood.
Christ says in John 10:10 NLT The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
When we live out our gifting we are living a rich and satisfying life. Your gifts are to bless others. It could be teaching, or writing or care-giving. It could be some sort of rescue or restoration work. Planters bring about harvesting. Maybe it’s organizational gifts that are helpful for all kinds of matters or giftings in making things, fixing things or creating beautiful things. Your gifts are most satisfying when they are appreciated by someone else.
Becoming aware of how things can be misinterpreted in childhood can now encourage you to guard your words carefully with children. It can open your eyes to see potential traits in children as gifts and not see them as negatives to be squelched, but nurtured in positive ways. Or, it can help you move past the things that you were told as a child, that were contrary to who you are.
Think of yourself. Are there gifts that have been kept from you using them in any form because of discouragement, distraction or disappointments? Set time aside to allow yourself to do some things in the area of your gifting.  God has an incredible way of restoring these in you again and can bring about an even greater intensity, drawing out a pent up passion in you for the gifting. From there, that passion and gift can be something that impacts others’ lives.
A great way to start to dabble in some gifting areas again may come by joining a club or doing volunteer work in the areas that interest you. If music is something you are good at, there are many senior residences that would welcome a bit of music as well as children’s organizations. There is a world out there that could use more of what you are able to give.
 Get your creative thoughts going on this by making a simple prayer asking God to restore the fullness of the gifts. Ask Him to open up ways to use them.  He loves the conversation and the desire you have to use what He gave you. Our gifts are given to us to share and are meant to impact the world around us in our lives. It is part of God’s plan when He instilled those in you.
In as much as there is a Giver, there is the “taker.” Keep your eyes sharp and know where the opposition comes from. When you recognize the tactics of the taker you can achieve an even greater determination to continue toward the goals of using your gifts and push past discouragement, distraction and disappointment.
Shame has kept many people from moving into a relationship with God. Shame, to the point of weariness makes people feel that their worth is less and they could not possibly do anything to better another person. This is where Christ came in to set us free from the weight of sin and shame and offered you His gift of salvation. We can live in peace and comfort knowing that we are right with God, because we can’t do it on our own. It is His gift of love for a rich and satisfying life. He conquered the enemy of our spirit.
There were gift taking attempts in the Bible. Delilah cut the hair of Samson and stole his gift of strength for a time. Later, his hair would grow back and he would collapse the columns upon his enemies. John the Baptist had the gift of leading people to turn from sin and live for the LORD. When John said to Herod that it was not right for Herod to take his brother’s wife, that wife wanted the voice of John the Baptist and his convictions stopped. She had him beheaded. But later Jesus would say that there had never been anyone up until that time as great as John the Baptist. The records of John’s words have been written for over two thousand years and are still known today.  His death did not stop the power of his gift. Both Samson and John lived their gifts to the end. David was a brave leader as a boy and Goliath tried to rob his confidence with intimidation. Solomon was given the gift of wisdom when he asked for it. Mary Magdalene knew the gift of how to rest and be in peace from the past demons she had delivered from her and move forward in relationship with Christ, freed and unashamed.
The victories of overcoming and the power of God’s given gifts being resurrected in these cases are hope for you to reach into your areas of gifting and allow God to use them.  What could be resurrected in you again?
As an oak can be cut down, its roots go deep and it can sprout new life again. The Bible says in Isaiah 11:1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. This verse was prophesying about Jesus coming from the family line of Jesse, King David’s father.
Let the life of God, in His repeated examples of bringing back to life the things that are good and given, be an encouragement to you. Your gifts are within you and can be used to bring enjoyment to you in your life and be appreciated by others to fulfill the very things you were born to live out.

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