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Lori is a Bible believer and openly shares her insights so that others may know the fullness of Life in Jesus as He said in John 10:10b "I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Can you Love?

Paul and Jan Crouch
Heart changes have come more frequently the older that I get.  There have been levels of forgiveness that I have come to that I didn’t think possible.  Forgiveness for myself and forgiveness in ways I hadn’t even realized needed to be addressed.

A few years ago I had prayed and asked the LORD to show me who I needed to forgive and who I held resentment for.  That is a loaded prayer!  The LORD reminded me of one person after another.
It wasn’t like I saw the actual person, but I would see look-a-likes.  People from decades ago and people that I held even minor resentments for.  Even people I didn’t actually know, but were public figures and I resented them for one thing or another. I forgave in my prayers each one that He reminded me of and I prayed blessings for them.  The freedom was instant, but even greater was what came in its place.  It was love.  Love filled the places that once held hurt, anger, judgment and resentment. 

I was loving like I never had before.  I was filled with love.

However, there were other places of judgment.  One area was when I would watch television evangelists.  An older woman that had been very successful in their ministry and Christian broadcasting had pink hair.  I was startled when I first saw the exaggeration of the size of hair and the color. (Hypocritical of me; I had once had really big hair) She and her husband co-founded Trinity Broadcasting Network and countless ministry venues.

When she spoke, she spoke as one that really knew Jesus and loved Him so completely.  I sensed the LORD say to me, “Can you love a woman with pink hair?”  I thought to myself how much He must love her and I knew yes, I can love her, too. 

I started praying blessings for her.  My heart had been softened for her and I felt tremendous love for her. 

This weekend her partner in life, love and ministry passed away.  They had recently celebrated over 40 years of their Christian broadcasting network.  Not long ago he had been in the hospital and was back on television with her.  She was so grateful and loving and praising God that he was well enough for them to be there together to celebrate. 

Today my heart weeps for her.  My spirit mourns for her loss and grieves.  Through tears and prayers this transformed heart shares her heartache and prays for this precious woman with pink hair that mourns her husband. 

Only by the love of Jesus and through Him could He move me like this to carry some of her heart-ache and pray so earnestly for her while tears stream down my own face.  The love Jesus has pours first in us and by His overflow we can love others. Sometimes that overflow is through our tears for them.  To be in Him also puts us to be in Him for others and desire His comfort and compassion with the sincerest of prayers for them.  Even for people we have never met. 

There is nothing like love. Living in love is a joy, even through tears of compassion.  Because that compassion is a glimpse of the love He has for us. He sees our hearts and knows the number of hairs on our head no matter what color they are. 

We are loved.

Ezekiel 36:26 NLT  And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.



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