John 3:16. I was in need of scripture. I needed comfort and
assurance. I needed direction. The LORD/Yahweh has said to look up John 3:16
before. I get exasperated. I know that one. I’ve known that verse since I was a
child. “It’s childish,” I think to myself. Too basic. I need something more. I
ask Him again for His incredible verse to give to me for what I am desperate
for now. Right now! Not when I was
seven. C’mon LORD, give me a verse!
“John 3:16.”
I go and look it up in my Bible thinking maybe I marked
something exquisitely insightful or wrote something in the margins. Nope. I
look at an old book mark I had there. Nope. I read a note from the last time I
spoke from that same page when I was evangelizing. Nope.
I read it. John 3:16. I read further: 17, 18, 19, 20,21.
Nope. No major revelation. Then I went back and read John 3:16 again, this time
trying to enunciate in my head the words so that maybe something would rescue
me. Nothing. It was all my effort.
Then He spoke.
It is in My love that you find peace.
It is in My love that you find comfort.
It is in My love that you hold my hand and draw near.
It is in My love that I show you the way.
It is in My love that my will is made known.
It is in My love that the hurt goes away.
It is in My love that I heal you.
It is in My love that you find strength.
It is in My love that I have called you Chosen.
It is in My love that I send you forward.
It is in My love that I have great delight for you.
It is in My love that I have not forsaken you.
It is in My love that I forgive you.
It is in My love that I save you, Child.
All that I am for you in all
that you are, is in My love.
Find My love and you will find all that you need.
Yep. John 3:16
Aramaic Bible in Plain English For God loved the world in this way: so much
that he would give up his Son, The Only One, so that everyone who trusts in him
shall not be lost, but he shall have eternal life.